Miss Millionersha

    Miss Millionersha


    At the beginning of "perestroyka", city authorities are getting ready for another event in keeping with the spirit of stagnant times. A director with a rather "unyielding" character is assigned to make a film about the birth of the one millionth inhabitant. However, when he finds the heroine of his story, there is no much "positive" to show as this family hardly suits for advertising happy life...

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      • Nikolai Karachentsov
      • Yuriy Dubrovin
      • Sergei Prokhanov
      • Tatyana Mikhalevkina
      • Nikita Mikhajlovsky
      • Elena Melnikova
      • Natalya Nazarova
      • Oksana Mysina
      • Vladimir Tyagichev
      • Aleksandr Novikov


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