Brave Police J-Decker is the fifth series of the anime television meta Brave series which aired in Japan during 1994 and 1995. Brave Police J-Decker returns the series to a subtly lighter tone, focusing more on the concept of "robot as human-built AI construct" emphasized by the previous season's series, The Brave Express Might Gaine. The series takes place in the fictional city of Nanamagari City.
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- Hiromi IshikawaYuta Tomonaga
- Toru FurusawaDeckerd
- Michiko NeyaAzuki Tomonaga
- Etsuko IshikawaSeia Onoue
- Fumihiko TachikiShadowmaru
- Hiro YuukiDrill Boy
- Mitsuaki HoshinoDumpson
- Naoki MakishimaGunmax
- Naoko IshiiAmami Tomonaga
- Ryotaro OkiayuMacLane
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