The story centers around Mikage, a young woman who loses her parents when young. She grows up in a lonely household with her grandmother who dies when Mikage reaches adulthood. Grief-stricken, she finds solace in the kitchen. Yuichi, a friend of Mikage's deceased grandmother, invites her to live with him and his mother. Then Mikage discovers that Yuichi's mother is actually his cross-dressing father. On the other hand, Mikage realizes that the wealth of gadgetry in Yuichi's kitchen is lovingly detailed.
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- Ayako KawaharaMikage
- Keiji MatsudaYuichi
- Isao HashizumeEriko
- Mie HamaYasuko Kijima
- Simon YotsuyaMaki Mugihara
- Naoki GotoShigeru Kihara
- Yōsuke NakajimaChika
- Akiko UraeTamie Matsubara
- Irifunetei OgibashiLandlord
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