The story of Michael Moore, Shot, Hooker, Joey, and Dennis. Five gangsters who work for a man named Leo. They soon discover they could get more out of life if they could run the streets themselves. Tensions build and loyalty is tested as they plan a hit that could change all of their lives forever.
Your Movie Library
- David AmosMichael Moore, Leo's Crew
- David ProvalBilly White, Cop / Narrator / Michael's Lover
- Gene MitchellShot, Leo's Crew
- Shaunt BenjaminHooker, Leo's Crew
- Barry PrimusJoey, Leo's Crew
- Paul KlarDennis, Leo's Crew
- Tony BurtonChuckie, 2-2 Card Club Manager
- Mike StarrC.J., Fat Dude at 2-2 Card Club
- Keith DavidLeo Richards, Gang Leader
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