Momiji Fujimiya, is a descendant of the mythical Princess Kushinada. When Japan is menaced by Aragami spawned by Yamato-no-Orochi, Momiji is intended to be sacrificed to appease the Aragami. She instead, however, becomes a member of the Terrestrial Administration Center, a secret agency charged with fighting them.
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- Kazuhiko InoueMamoru Kusanagi (voice)
- Megumi HayashibaraMomiji Fujimiya (voice)
- Kotono MitsuishiKoume Sawaguchi (voice)
- Ai OrikasaRyoko Takeuchi (voice)
- Akio OtsukaDaitetsu Kunikida (voice)
- Yoshiko SakakibaraAzusa Matsudaira (voice)
- Yuji UedaYoshiki Yaegashi (voice)
- Sakiko TamagawaSakura Yamazaki (voice)
- Mami KingetsuReiko Kanbayashi (voice)
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