Beijing Watermelon

    Beijing Watermelon


    Shunzo is a popular greengrocer in a town near Tokyo. His life, and the lives of his wife Michi, and their two children, undergoes a dramatic change when he encounters Li, a poor college student from China.

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      • BengalHaruzo Horikoshi
      • Masako MotaiMichi Horikoshi
      • Yasufumi HayashiToru Horikoshi
      • Haruhiko SaitôMr. Ioka
      • Takashi SasanoMr. Yamada
      • Hana KinoMatsue Otobuji
      • Akira EmotoMr. Teramoto
      • Yugi OgataBank Clerk
      • Ryo OkuboMr. Aotani
      • Ryo IwamatsuPoliceman


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