Lime Street is an American action/drama series that aired on the ABC television network during the 1985 television season. The series was created by Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, who also served as executive producer alongside husband Harry Thomason and series star Robert Wagner. Robert Wagner is half of a crackerjack team of insurance investigators. A colorful British bachelor (John Standing) is the other half, and he resides in a castle outside London. This Lloyd's of London-type duo travel all over the world to crack some of the toughest insurance cases ever devised by a scriptwriter. Lew Ayres is Wagner's dapper Virginia countrygentleman father and the grandfather to Bob's motherless children.
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- Robert WagnerJames Greyson Culver
- Lew AyresHenry Wade Culver
- Samantha Reed SmithElizabeth Culver
- Maia BrewtonMargaret Ann Culver
- Julie FultonCelia Wesphal
- Anne HaneyEvelyn Camp
- Patrick MacneeSir Geoffrey Rimbatten
- John StandingEdward Wingate
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