Jamie Carr is a young man growing up in Bundaberg, Northern Queensland during the closing years of World War I. Jamie, who is in his final year of high school, was brought up by his grandmother. Grandma Carr is known and loved by all in the town, and does her best to help Jamie through the emotional turmoil of adolescence and a society struggling under old traditions and beliefs in a new country.
Your Movie Library
- Geraldine FitzgeraldGrandma Carr
- Robert HelpmannProfessor
- Christopher PateJamie Carr
- Ben GabrielWilkenshaw
- Gerard KennedyPreacher Jones
- Gloria DawnPearl
- Carol BurnsMaudie Plover
- Barry PierceAngus McDonald
- Diane CraigMiss Pringle
- Maggie MillarLaura Montague
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