12 Chairs

    12 Chairs


    A former aristocrat Ippolit Vorobyaninov leads a miserable life in Soviet Russia. His mother-in-law reveals a secret to him - she hid family diamonds in one of the twelve chairs they once had. Vorobyaninov in cooperation with a young con artist Ostap Bender start a long search for the diamonds.

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    • Archil GomiashviliОстап Бендер
    • Sergei FilippovКиса Воробьянинов
    • Mikhail PugovkinОтец Фёдор
    • Nina GrebeshkovaМусик / Царица Тамара
    • Yuriy Nikulinдворник Тихон
    • Natalya Krachkovskayaмадам Грицацуева
    • Natalya VarleyЛиза
    • Igor Yasulovichинжинер Щукин
    • Georgiy Vitsinмонтёр Мечников
    • Savely Kramarovпредседатель шахматного клуба


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