The Football Star

    The Football Star


    Cabinet crisis threatens in Futbólia, due to a series of lost matches. The head of state charges admiral Duca with the task, as a last chance, to get hold of the football star of the Hungarian team presently playing in Switzerland.

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      • Kamill FelekiBrunó
      • László UngváryDuca tengernagy
      • Lajos MányaiVenturo kapitány
      • Imre PongráczJóska a csodacsatár
      • Manyi KissAurélia
      • Imre SinkovitsRiporter
      • Éva SchubertEstella müvésznö
      • Tivadar HorváthFilippo
      • Gábor Rajnayállamelnök
      • Gyula GózonMiniszterelnök


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