Released from prison after two years, Michel Gérard sets out to find his wife Alice. Alice, luxuriously maintained by her lover, Jacques Rupert, editor-in-chief of a major newspaper, rejects him. Shortly afterwards, Rupert discovers Alice dead, murdered. Fearing charges, he asks one of his reporters, Barney Morgan, to direct suspicion to Michel. But Michel's lawyer shows Barney that the husband is innocent.
Your Movie Library
- Eddie ConstantineBarney Morgan
- Bella DarviMarianne Colas
- Paul FrankeurJacques Rupert
- Aimé ClariondM. de Villeterre
- Cosetta GrecoAlice Gerard
- Walter ChiariCecè
- Olivier Hussenot
- Robert Lombard
- André Versini
- Albert Rémy
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