Tragicomic road movie set during the Edo period. It follows a samurai, his two servants – including spear-carrier Genpachi – and the various people they meet on their journey, including a policeman in pursuit of a thief, a young child and a woman who is to be sold into prostitution.
Your Movie Library
- Chiezō KataokaGenpachi
- Ryūnosuke TsukigataTōzaburō
- Chizuru KitagawaShamisen Player
- Yuriko TashiroOtane
- Motoharu UekiJirō
- Chie UekiShamisen Player's Daughter
- Eitarō ShindōPilgrim
- Daisuke KatōGenta
- Unpei Yokoyama
- Toranosuke Ogawa
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