Too Many Crooks is a lost 1927 American comedy silent film directed by Fred C. Newmeyer, written by E.J. Rath and Rex Taylor, and starring Mildred Davis, Lloyd Hughes, George Bancroft, El Brendel, William V. Mong, John St. Polis, and Otto Matieson. It was released on April 2, 1927, by Paramount Pictures.
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- Mildred DavisCeia Mason
- Lloyd HughesJohn Barton
- George BancroftBert the Boxman
- El BrendelBotts
- William V. MongCoxey, the Con-man
- John St. PolisErastus Mason
- Otto MatiesonFast Hands Foster (as Otto Matiesen)
- Betty FranciscoFrisco Flora
- Gayne WhitmanMarshall Stone
- Tom RickettsButler
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