This story revolves around a girl named Lee Soo-jung who was adopted and raised by her adoptive parents, Park Geum-ok and her father Lee Kyung-tae and her brother Lee Soo-ho. Lee Soo-jung is often in a bad relationship with Ma Ye-ri.
Votre Filmothèque
- Lee So-yeonLee Soo-Jung
- Lee Kyu-hanKang Yoon-Jae
- Lee Chae-youngMa Ye-Ri
- Sung HoonHan Ji-Hoon
- Kim Jin-wooLee Soo-Ho
- Moon Hee-kyungPark Geum-Ok
- Son Byung-hoLee Kyung-tae
- Jung Kyung-soonPark Young-Ok
- Na Young-heeJang Mi-Hee
- Lim Chae-muMa Jin-Chul
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