The film follows the relationship between a mother and her son. In 1945, the mother played by Sayuri Yoshinaga fled with her two sons from the Russians to Hokkaido. In 1972, her son played by Masato Sakai returns to Japan after finding success in the U.S.
Votre Filmothèque
- Sayuri YoshinagaTetsu Ezure
- Masato SakaiShujiro Ezure
- Ryoko ShinoharaMari Ezure
- Hiroshi AbeTokujiro Ezure
- Koichi SatoShinji Sugawara
- Ittoku KishibeKazuo Yamaoka
- Masatoshi NakamuraDaikichi Okabe
- Reiko TakashimaMitsue Shimada
- Tsurube Shofukuteibar owner
- Toshiyuki NagashimaDoctor Mita
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