The "cute and soft bread four-panel manga" centers around Minami, an air-headed girl who is starting high school and who loves eating bread for breakfast. Baked goods bring happiness everyday to her and her classmates the reliable Yuu, the pastry-baking Fuyumi, and the independent Noa.
Votre Filmothèque
- Ibuki KidoMinami Tani (voice)
- Erii YamazakiYuu Aizawa (voice)
- Madoka AsahinaMai Kawai (voice)
- Moe ToyotaFuyumi Fukagawa (voice)
- Nichika OmoriNoa Sakura (voice)
- Natsuko HaraAmi Sakura (voice)
- Yu ShimamuraMana Kawai (voice)
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