A new adaptation of the beloved Arabian fairy tale about Aladdin. In this version of the story, Aladdin is a Russian guard Alyosha, who by chance ends up in a distant country, where he receives this name and, of course, finds his princess - the magnificent Budur. Genie is a woman in this story, and the flying carpet is the cabin of the plane.
Votre Filmothèque
- Oskar KucheraAladdin
- Ani LorakBudur
- Andrii DanylkoGenie
- Oleg Basilashvilistoryteller
- Yuriy Stoyanovevil sorcerer / flight attendant / vizier
- Elena VorobeyAladdin's mother
- Yuriy Galtsevsultan
- Efim Shifrinthe wisest
- Nikolay Baskovprince
- Lolita Milyavskayarobber
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