The movie feature various moments of 2013 and 2014, such as Shinoda Mariko, Itano Tomomi and Oshima Yuko's graduation, the AKB48 Group Daisokaku Matsuri, the AKB48 Group Draft Kaigi 2013, Sashihara Rino winning the 5th Senbatsu Election, Watanabe Mayu winning the 6th Senbatsu Election and the AKB48 National Olympic Stadium Concert.
Votre Filmothèque
- Yuko OshimaHerself
- Mariko ShinodaHerself
- Tomomi ItanoHerself
- Yuki KashiwagiHerself
- Mayu WatanabeHerself
- Haruka ShimazakiHerself
- Rie KitaharaHerself
- Maria AbeHerself
- Rino SashiharaHerself
- Ayaka OkadaHerself
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