Land Legs

    Land Legs


    Dom, 36 years old, is a sailor on board of the fishing boat Petit Gael II from the port of Les Sables d'Olonne, a small town in western France. He is used to leave for the open sea for at least three weeks in a row. Despite of his absences, his teenaged children decided to live with him since the divorce of the parents. But when his daughter Mailys gets pregnant, Dom understands that he will have to choose between the sea and his family.

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      • Dominique LeborneDom
      • Mailys LeborneMailys
      • Mattéo LeborneMattéo
      • Vincent BessonnetVincent
      • Dr. Claude-Estelle GuitterGynécologue
      • Patrick d'AssumçaoPatron de Dom
      • Sandra RichardEnquêtrice Sociale
      • Chantal LeborneMère de Dom
      • Carole PerineauVendeuse
      • Jean-François LeborneOncle de Dom


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