A cool and dangerous neo-noir crime film that revolves around the disturbed lives of two unlikely partners: Mickey Rady, a rogue undercover cop and Kook Packard, a smooth and charismatic con man. Together they rip off those operating outside of the law...for their own personal gain. But things go awry when one heist suck them deep into a city-wide conspiracy...
Votre Filmothèque
- Peter DobsonKook Packard
- Kevin InterdonatoMickey Rady
- Louis MandylorAgent Daniels
- Chris CaldovinoDet. Rick
- Kristen DaltonAveline Packard
- Hawthorne JamesArt McCoy
- Ione ButlerEve
- Brandon HeitkampConnor
- Erin O'BrienIsabella
- Amanda ClaytonLori
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