Heidi, is an eight-year-old Swiss orphan who is given by her aunt to her mountain-dwelling grandfather. She is then stolen back by her aunt from her grandfather to live in the wealthy Sesemann household in Frankfurt, Germany as a companion to Klara, a sheltered, disabled girl in a wheelchair. Heidi is unhappy but makes the best of the situation, always longing for her grandfather.
Votre Filmothèque
- Anuk SteffenHeidi
- Bruno GanzAlpöhi
- Quirin AgrippiGeissenpeter
- Isabelle OttmannKlara Sesemann
- Katharina SchüttlerMiss Rottenmeier
- Maxim MehmetMr. Sesemann
- Hannelore HogerGrandmother Sesemann
- Jella HaaseTinette
- Anna SchinzDete
- Peter LohmeyerSebastian
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