The idols of 765 Production continue on their neverending journey—towards a new stage, towards a bright and shiny future! The girls and their producer have gone through thick and thin, and have stood face to face with all kinds of difficulties. It's time again for the girls to foster their friendship, and through great discipline, they step forward to their starry future.
Votre Filmothèque
- Akiko HasegawaMiki Hoshii (voice)
- Rie KugimiyaIori Minase (voice)
- Asami ShimodaAmi Futami (voice)
- Chiaki TakahashiAzusa Miura (voice)
- Naomi WakabayashiRitsuko Akizuki (voice)
- Hiromi HirataMakoto Kikuchi (voice)
- Azumi AsakuraYukiho Hagiwara (voice)
- Yumi HaraTakane Shijou (voice)
- Manami NumakuraHibiki Ganaha (voice)
- Mayako NigoYayoi Takatsuki (voice)
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