The story of the series follows Light Underwood, a young man who wants to become the greatest adventurer in history. Unfortunately, after he consumes a “Skill Fruit”, he acquires the “Berry Master” skill, which has no combat application and which is only useful for cultivating fruit. Nevertheless, Light wishes to catch up with his childhood friend Lena, who ate the “Sword Saint” fruit, so he dedicates his days to farming and training with a sword. One day, Light accidentally eats another “Skill Fruit”, which is supposed to be fatally poisonous if someone has already consumed a previous “Skill Fruit”, but instead Light gains the “Sword God” skill...
Votre Filmothèque
- Takuma NagatsukaLight Underwood (voice)
- LynnLena Floria (voice)
- Haruna MikawaAyla Lawrence (voice)
- Hana TamegaiMonica Bolst (voice)
- Akira SekineDratena Belbury (voice)
- Sayaka OharaHoly Sister (voice)
- Ai KakumaFlower Hat (voice)
- Katsuhisa HoukiTiger Beard (voice)
- Takehito KoyasuGrave Keeper (voice)
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