In this modern twist on a classic fairy tale, a headstrong princess is stolen by an evil sorcerer, and her scholarly fiancé must use his wits in an epic quest to find her while she boldly challenges her captors and plots a daring escape.
Votre Filmothèque
- Vanessa JohanssonNahina (voice)
- Erica D. SchroederPrincess (voice)
- Marc ThompsonSea King (voice)
- Sara Secora(voice)
- Jennifer Sun BellMommy Dearest (voice)
- Anthony SardinhaKabir (voice)
- Alyson Leigh RosenfeldMina (voice)
- Jon St. JohnBjorn (voice)
- Sara RahmanPrincess (voice)
- Abe GoldfarbFinn (voice)
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