Bandini was an Indian soap opera produced by Ekta Kapoor of Balaji Telefilms. The show aired Monday to Friday evenings. The show is the longest running program of Imagine TV at 520 episodes. It starred Ronit Roy and Aasiya Kazi and was set against the backdrop of Gujarat in Dharampur a village near Surat in Gujarat. The show premiered on January 19, 2009 on NDTV Imagine.
Votre Filmothèque
- Ronit RoyDharamraj Shakti Singh Mahiyavanshi
- Aasiya KaziSantu Dharamraj Mahiyavanshi
- Mrunal JainHiten Dharamraj Mahiyavanshi
- Leena JumaniKhemi Arjan Mahiyavanshi
- Rasika Joshi
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