In this black comedy drama, we meet a seemingly perfect family consisting of Olivia, Alexander and their daughter Agata. With the arrival of 25-year-old Julian in their home, their lives are turned upside down and their dysfunctional relationships are revealed. Redemption through humour explores the theme of emotionally drained elites and places it in the context of contemporary social issues.
Votre Filmothèque
- Marko MandićAlexander
- Katarina StegnarOlivia
- Aliocha SchneiderJulien
- Mila BezjakAgata
- Judita FrankovićMila
- Jure HenigmanTomaž
- Borja Repe NovakKasper
- KonstraktaKonstrakta
- Kristoffer JonerHunter
- Matija VastlMan at the Party
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