Maghrib Time

    Maghrib Time


    A terror chases the souls of Adi and Saman. Ayu knows the reason as to why they are tormented - a sin committed at the most dangerous time of Maghrib Time. What sin have they committed and what will happen to Adi, Saman, Ayu and their village?

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Ali FikryAdi
      • Nafiza Fatia RaniAyu
      • Aulia SarahBu Woro
      • Taskya NamyaNingsih
      • Bima SenaSaman
      • Andri MashadiKarta
      • Sadana AgungHansip
      • Kevin AbaniSamiun
      • Muhammad Abe BaasyinLurah
      • Sulis KusumaBu Lurah


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