Four dedicated housewives - Shivangi, Mansi, Neha, and Sakhina, whose lives revolve only around their husband and family, decide to escape the suffocating routine life by traveling to Goa for a few days to live life on their terms. They have no idea that their vacation will lead to a series of life-changing events.
Votre Filmothèque
- Swara BhaskerShivangi
- Meher VijMansi
- Shikha TalsaniaNeha
- Pooja ChopraSakina
- Girish KulkarniMadhukar Rane
- Manish ChaudharyDCP Mohite
- Ali Quli MirzaAshish (Mansi's Husband)
- Nayani DixitAlisha Cresta
- Mitansh NehraMurad (Sakina's Husband)
- Vibha ChibberShivangi's Saas
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