Maxim and Valentina work in the Department for the Distribution of Souls — 24 hours before the death of a person, they must determine where he will go — to hell or heaven. And since both are guaranteed paradise under an employment contract, Maxim is trying to earn extra money and sell a place in paradise to oligarchs, and Valentina dreams of returning her husband from hell.
Votre Filmothèque
- Pavel PriluchnyyMaksim Mavrin
- Irina RozanovaValentina Petrovna Ivanova
- Fyodor DobronravovDacha dweller
- Darya MelnikovaLyuda
- Nikolay FomenkoIvan Petrovich Kulibin
- Irina CherichenkoRimma Aleksandrovna
- Denis SinyavskiyVasiliy Albertovich
- Vasily KortukovNikolay Illarionovich Ivanov (Valentina's husband)
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