Ippatsu Kanta-kun is an anime created by Tatsunoko Production. Along with Temple the Balloonist, it was one of the last works for which Tatsunoko co-founder Tatsuo Yoshida was credited as a creator; Yoshida died before the series began airing. The series was released in two DVD box sets in January 2010.
Votre Filmothèque
- Noriko Tsukaseチーコの母/ トモエ/小太郎
- Chikako Akimoto戸馳一郎
- You Inoue戸馳七郎
- Miyoko Asô戸馳久美子
- Kaneto Shiozawa戸馳二郎
- Keiko Yokozawa戸馳五子
- Keiko Yokozawa戸馳六子
- Kazue Komiya戸馳四郎
- Reiko Suzuki戸馳幼吉
- Yoshiko Ohta戸馳貫太
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