Five brothers similar yet different, raised by a mother widowed too early. One of them had left the family when he returns, pursued by a gang of smugglers, he find shelter in his family while reveling them a dark secret. The five brothers, together, will find the energy to defend themself and the means to avenge the memory of their murdered father...
Votre Filmothèque
- Vincent ElbazDavid Hayoun / Raymon Hayoun
- Éric CaravacaJulien Hayoun
- Patrick BruelDan Hayoun
- Pascal ElbéJonathan Hayoun
- Mathieu DelariveMichael Hayoun
- Françoise FabianSuzie Hayoun
- Caterina MurinoLinda Hayoun
- Marie MoutéIrene Stano
- Michel AumontMaurice Atlan
- Judith El ZeinKarine Hayoun
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