The film is a Kafkaesque tale of an insignificant Water Inspector who arrives at a giant remote building in order to register the residents’ water meters. Before he knows of it, he finds himself trapped inside the building facing an “Alice in NO-Wonderland”-like maze of obstacles. In his attempt to escape, perception of reality, the rational, and the remnants of his human existence is turned upside down.
Votre Filmothèque
- Joen HøjerslevVandaflæseren
- Joen BilleRevisoren
- Anne FlettingBruden
- Malene MelsenDen forpinte
- Anders Plougman
- Niels Ploughman
- Silas Kappendrup
- Claudia Gregersen
- Hanne Uldal
- Jonas Munck Hansen
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