The Speech

    The Speech


    Meet Adrien! He's 35. He's stuck in a mid-life crisis. He's neurotic and hypochondriac. Tonight he's stuck in an endless family dinner and his girlfriend is not answering his texts. On top of that, his dumb brother-in-law asks him to prepare a speech for his wedding. Could it get even worse?

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Benjamin LavernheAdrien
      • Sara GiraudeauSonia
      • Kyan KhojandiLudo
      • Julia PiatonSophie
      • François MorelLe père d'Adrien
      • Guilaine LondezLa mère d'Adrien
      • Sébastien ChassagneSébastien
      • Sarah SucoKarine
      • Sébastien PouderouxRomain
      • Adeline D'HermySolène


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