Ambitious creators of the telegram channel "PPCHMZ" are rapidly gaining hundreds of thousands of subscribers. For them, this is just the beginning: the girls are full of ideas and are not going to stop. However, scandalous revelations and overdue loans await them on their way to fame. A large investor offers to help them get rid of financial problems, whose only condition is to accept Yevgeny Malyshev, a well—known journalist of the old formation in the past - the "conscience of the era of the 2010s" - into the team. Now they will have to make decisions and fight for new subscribers together.
Votre Filmothèque
- Rina GrishinaIra Gromova
- Anfisa ChernykhBella Mamedova
- Katya FedinaKsenia Pogorelova
- Evgeniy StychkinEvgeny Malyshev
- Yuliya SnigirTerletskaya
- Ekaterina VilkovaKaterina Malysheva
- Maksim VitorganTyoma
- Artur VakhaGeorg Papa
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