The Club of Ugly Children

1 Saison - 8 Épisodes.
En cours de diffusion.
The Club of Ugly Children


When three kids contest in TV Show "The Face", the building is hijacked and everybody is taken hostage, except for the kids. It's up to them to save their parents. But then, they discover a dangerous secret.

    Votre Filmothèque


    • Roeland FernhoutPresident Isimo
    • Kim-Lian van der MeijEindredacteur
    • Edwin JonkerUberkliener
    • Buddy VedderCasper
    • Rosaline LantinkEdsilia
    • Narek AwanesyanKai
    • Mimoun Ouled RadiDeniz
    • Laura van der MechéRox
    • Marije ZuurveldNima


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