


    The year is 1732. John Wesley, an irritatingly self-righteous instructor at Oxford is offered the chance to go to the new colony of Georgia, where he hopes to preach to the Indians. John struggles with his failure and fears and is finally experiences the peace he longed for: "I felt my heart strangely warmed." Wesley begins to preach about his experience of saving faith, but is turned out of most churches in London. Despite opposition, mob violence that seeks to break up their meetings, Wesley and his "Methodies" establish social ministries to the poor that transformed the face of England. Today, almost 75 million people worldwide trace their spiritual heritage back to John Wesley.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Burgess JenkinsJohn Wesley
      • R. Keith HarrisCharles Wesley
      • Rusty MartinYoung John Wesley
      • Justin St. GelaisSchool boy
      • Steven St. GelaisSchool Boy
      • Caleb SteinSchool boy
      • Rachel St. GelaisSchool Girl
      • Renee St. GelaisSchool Girl
      • Bill PacerFirst Mate
      • Dave BlamyFather


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