Liebling, wir haben geerbt

    Liebling, wir haben geerbt


    Hannah hero finds out that her husband Martin is cheating on her. Angered, she announces that she wants a divorce. But Hannah is waiting for the million-dollar legacy of her great-aunt Käthe and a divorced woman will never entrust her family heritage to the tradition-conscious old lady. So Hannah arranges the separation of table and bed with her future ex-husband. Then Hannah and Martin move into Aunt Käthe's villa and play a harmonious married life.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Sabine PostelHannah Held geb. Liebetanz
      • Florian MartensMartin Held
      • Nadja TillerTante Käthe Liebetanz
      • Frederick LauPaul Held
      • Walter GillerFranz Todsen
      • Stefanie StappenbeckAnnika
      • Rolf BeckerProfessor Jessen
      • Nora BinderLola Held
      • Johanna-Christine GehlenIsabel
      • Nicolas KönigAnwalt


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