Mobile is a 3-part British television drama series with an interweaving plot based around a fictional mobile phone operator and the adverse-effect of mobile phone radiation to health. The series was screened by ITV in the United Kingdom, during March 2007. The cast includes Jamie Draven, Neil Fitzmaurice, Keith Allen, Sunetra Sarker, Samantha Bond, Brittany Ashworth and Julie Graham. It was written by John Fay.
Votre Filmothèque
- Keith AllenSir James Corson
- Jamie DravenMaurice Stoan
- John ThomsonRay Bould / Hypnotherapist
- Michael KitchenDavid West
- Julie GrahamDonna Doig
- Michael J. JacksonSuperintendent Hewitt
- Russell BoulterD S John Goddard
- Neil FitzmauriceEddie Doig
- Shaun DooleyD I George Fleming
- Sunetra SarkerD I Lorraine Conil
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