The miniseries is a continuation of the classic story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, with science fiction and additional fantasy elements added. It focuses on the adventures of a small-town waitress named DG who is pulled into a magical realm called the O.Z., ruled by the tyrannical sorceress Azkadellia. Together with her companions Glitch, Raw, and Cain, DG journeys to uncover her lost memories, find her true parents, and foil Azkadellia's plot to trap the O.Z. in eternal darkness.
Votre Filmothèque
- Raoul Max TrujilloRaw
- Neal McDonoughWyatt Cain
- Richard DreyfussMystic Man
- Zooey DeschanelDG
- Alan CummingGlitch
- Kathleen RobertsonAzkadellia
- Blu MankumaToto
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