An orphaned girl in a poverty-stricken neighborhood is adopted by a kindly neighbor. He struggles to support her honestly, despite opportunities to participate in a neighbor’s scurrilous get-rich-quick schemes. Invoking the pain of Chinese exiles living in Taiwan, or missing relatives still in China, the touching film posits an in-between historical period during which it is crucial for displaced residents to maintain virtue as a bedrock of identity.
Votre Filmothèque
- Yu Hua HoLin A-siao
- Ko Yu-Min
- Lui Ming
- Li Kuan-ChangShih San-tai
- Yu-Chen LiNeighbor 2
- Wan-lin LoPearl Lin
- Tai LiangNeighbor 1
- Tsao ChienChen A-fa
- Hsiao Ping TsuiHsu Lao Tai-tai
- Ling Wan
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