The story primarily focuses on the members of the Juken Club and their opposition, the Executive Council, which is the ruling student body of a high school that educates its students in the art of combat. As the story unfolds, both groups become increasingly involved with an ongoing battle that has been left unresolved for four hundred years.
Votre Filmothèque
- Soichiro HoshiSouichiro Nagi (voice)
- Shin-ichiro MikiBob Makihara (voice)
- Minori ChiharaAya Natsume (voice)
- Aya HisakawaMaya Natsume (voice)
- Tomokazu SekiMasataka Takayanagi (voice)
- Kazuki YaoBunshichi Tawara (voice)
- Haruhi NanaoEmi Isuzu (voice)
- Kenji HamadaTsutomu Ryuuzaki (voice)
- Kenta MiyakeKōji Sagara (voice)
- Toshiyuki MorikawaMitsuomi Takayanagi (voice)
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