"Time Bomb 9/11" or just "Time Bomb" was a Hindi political thriller that aired on Zee TV from June 20, 2005 to December 25, 2005. It used to air every Monday at 10:00pm, and the show had a similar format to "24". The story focuses on Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist group aiming to destroy the city of New Delhi on September 11 as well as assassinating the Indian Prime Minister who was played by Kay Kay Menon. A RAW group led by Field Officer Varun Awasthi has to protect the Prime Minister and more importantly, the city.
Votre Filmothèque
- Rajeev KhandelwalField Officer Varun Awasthi
- Amrita Saluja RaichandRoma Awasthi
- Akashdeep SaigalUsmaan Bin Laden
- Pankaj TripathiACT RAW Officer Tripathi
- Kay Kay MenonPrime Minister of India Anirudh Prakash
- Rajat KapoorIndustrialist Narendra Nath
- Amruta KhanvilkarAnu, Prime Minister's Daughter
- Shivani TanksaleMenaka Senior Field Officer
- Denzil SmithHead of ACT RAW
- Ujjwal ChopraAmar RAW Agent
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