Clash of Egos

    Clash of Egos


    Tony has recently been released from a sentence for violent behaviour. He promises to improve his ways and is finally granted a few hours alone with his two children. They celebrate the reunion by going to the movies to see a new film by the famous, critically acclaimed Danish director Claus Volter. But the film is not the masterpiece it is said to be on the poster; the children are crying and Tony cannot get the money back he spent on tickets and candy. Tony does not give up; he seeks out Claus Volter in order to get an explanation and a refund. It is however easier said than done to get money out of a world-renowned filmmaker.

    Votre Filmothèque


    • Ulrich ThomsenTonny
    • Nikolaj Lie KaasClaus Volter
    • Mille DinesenPernille Jepsen
    • Line KruseKlara Kjøbmand
    • Lars RantheLaust Hatling
    • Nicolaj KopernikusJan Godtfredsen
    • Jakob CedergrenAllan Henriksen
    • Lars BrygmannTim Holstein
    • Niels OlsenBrormand
    • Peter MygindTom Frej


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