

    A story about two brothers, Gopi who is a farmer and Dinesh, a college student. Gopi's hopes for his younger brother are dashed when Dinesh joins campus politics and a world of violence. Things start to fall apart when Gopi, a Hindu marries Sainaba, a Muslim girl against her family's wishes. The intense political rivalry between Sainaba's brother and Dinesh brings matters to a boiling point after the marriage.

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    • JayaramGopinathan Nair
    • Padmapriya JanakiramanSainaba
    • BhavanaMridula
    • KPAC LalithaSarojini
    • Jagathy SreekumarChandy
    • T G RaviGangadharan
    • Nedumudi VenuRavunni Nair
    • ArunDinesh


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