The movie revolves around a tribe who are living isolated in the forest area and their lives. Chandru and Shivan are two close friends lives in a tribal village in the midst of the forest with their sisters Karthika Mathew and Chembagam (Charmy Kaur) respectively. Chandru is in love with Chembagam and Shivan is in love with Karthika Mathew.
Votre Filmothèque
- Charmy KaurChembakam
- JayasuryaChandru
- Anoop MenonShivan
- Harisree AshokanAntappan
- Manoj K JayanSP Rajendran IPS
- IndransAandi
- Karthika MathewAmmu
- Cochin HaneefaKankani Rajappan
- Kottayam NazeerPonnappan
- NarayanankuttyKaduva Kuruppu
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