Set against the backdrop of the 1967 Six-Day War, the movie adaptation of Naguib Mahfouz's novel follows the escapist, drug-fueled riverboat meetings of a group of frustrated Egyptians from various walks of life.
Votre Filmothèque
- Emad HamdyAnis Zaki
- Adel AdhamAli Al-Sayed
- Ahmed RamzyRajab Al-Qadi
- Mervat AminSanaa
- Magda El KhatibSamara Bahjat
- Sohier RamzyLaila Zidane
- Salah NazmiKhaled Azouz
- Ahmed TawfiqMustafa Rashid
- Nemat MokhtarSania Kamel
- Magdy WahbaMohammad Behjat
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