Carmen Horrendum

    Carmen Horrendum


    At the center of it is the fate of young women in the war and in the harsh post-war times, when witch-hunting of "enemies of the people" was a common occurrence. The brutal war is mutilating both the girls' bodies and their souls. Location: military hospital. It is just a backdrop to which the character rattles, the intrigue, the human relationships. The pathos of the tape conveys the idea that a woman is and remains a woman in all circumstances and situations. During the tumultuous years of war, they were also overwhelmed by true love, mutual understanding, trust and tenderness.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Ilona OzolaInga
      • Vizma Ozoliņa- KvēpaLida
      • Yekaterina VasilyevaGalina
      • Tatyana CherkovskayaAlona
      • Marina KalmikovaElla
      • Valentina TelichkinaZina
      • Romualds Ancans
      • Mariya Vinogradova
      • Pavel Pervushin
      • Svetlana Nemirovskaya
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