The Hostage

    The Hostage


    20-th years. In the mountainous regions of the Pamirs, a dangerous epidemic is rampant. There was sent a caravan with a vaccine, followed closely by the local bandits as the hostage in the caravan should be, as they learned, their leader. It is not known to them only one thing: the leader is a double ...

      Votre Filmothèque


      • Konstantin ButayevГадо/Бек
      • Bakhram AkramovМаксуд Боев
      • Ali MukhammadЗаиров
      • Isamat ErgashevДалер
      • Rustam SagdullaevАбдулло
      • Zukhra ZarobekovaМатлюба
      • Dzhavlon KhamrayevАкрам
      • Sakhobiddin SattarovТилло
      • Yunus YusupovКурбаши
      • Rustam UrazaevАхмад


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