This crime drama follows an Italian police commissioner as he races to rescue the 6-year-old daughter of an important businessman. Also hoping to save her is Frank Salvatore, the old-school Mafia don accused of the crime. Caprile leans on a low-level thug for information and is led to Salvatore, who considers children to be off-limits as targets and hopes to restore his reputation
Votre Filmothèque
- Henry SilvaCommissioner Caprile
- Rada RassimovMarta
- Philippe LeroyThe Professor
- Gabriele FerzettiDon Francesco Salvatore
- Fausta AvelliLuisa Bonsanti
- Franco DiogeneNino
- Lia TanziMarisa Callari
- Calisto CalistiMalacria
- Pino FerraraMercuri
- Armando BranciaZevi
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