Rooster Heart

    Rooster Heart


    A man is too shy to ask a girl out and decides to kill himself. While lying in the road he is rescued by a Doctor who tries to cure him by implanting the heart of a rooster into him, something which suddenly makes him irresistible to women.

      Votre Filmothèque


      • FernandelTulipe Barbaroux, ouvrier imprimeur
      • Mireille PerreyLa comtesse Véra
      • Paul AzaïsSéraphin
      • Jean TémersonStanislas Pugliaskoff
      • Marcel ValléeMr Tournesol, le directeur de l'imprimerie
      • Gisèle AlcéeLoulou
      • MaximilienneMme Estelle
      • Henri AriusLacorbiere
      • Darcelys
      • Marthe Marty


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